About Us

Hi, we’re James and Charlotte, husband and wife, and we set up The Great Garden project together.  Having said that, neither of us sees The Great Garden as ‘ours’, as we are merely vessels for Spirit to move through us and out into the world.  Here we share how the project came to be. 

I, Charlotte, had a spiritual awakening in 2011 and shortly after decided to take a course to learn how to connect with Spirit.  Initially I found the practices really challenging, and I asked James to have a go to see if he could make a connection.  To our complete surprise, James started channelling immediately, and within a few days he was verbally channelling.  A few years later, with both of us now firmly on the path of following Spirit, James started receiving wisdom relating to what Spirit called ‘The Great Garden.’   James developed a real passion for the vision, as he could see that there is a potential that lies within each and every one of us, but because of the way our society is, it remains dormant.  Spirit kept saying “we are like seeds of suns of heaven, we just need a place to grow.”  When we are free to just be, out potential has the chance to shine out and express itself into the world, creating a world of beauty and wonder.    

I, too, am extremely passionate about The Great Garden.  Like many of us, I have experienced immense amounts of pain in my life due to the way things are in our culture.  Pain from the stress of work, pain from feeling there’s no other choice than to do soulless work, pain from the sense of isolation I felt when bringing up our son while James was at work (especially as we’ve always home educated), the pain of witnessing the loneliness of my son because kids don’t play out any more, and the deepest pain of all for me personally –being disconnected from Mother Earth, my home.  My heart longs to be free, to simply be.  When I look at nature, a fox, a deer, a squirrel, I see how we are meant to be – present, and simply moving in alignment with our Spirit and with our bodies’ needs.  I just want to simply be.  Something that, unless you are very wealthy, is extremely difficult to do in our society.

James and I have tried various ways to escape the system over the years, but Spirit always told us that we needed to ‘find the others’.  Then, in May 2024, Spirit gave James very clear guidance to leave his job.  At the time, we didn’t know why, and it was a huge leap of faith because his job was our main source of income, we had no savings, and we have the usual rent and bills to pay.  But since our awakening in 2011, we have always followed the path of Spirit, and we knew we had to trust in the guidance we received.  In July, the reason for James leaving his job became clearer, as he started to channel a book.  It was like he was possessed, and he fairly quickly channelled the poetic writing and illustrations which became ‘The Rose Bridge‘.  When he read it to me for the first time, I cried.  I knew we needed to get this out into the world, so guided by Spirit, we focused on turning it into a film so that everyone would be able to get access to the message without needing to pay for it. 

Everything we have done, from The Rose Bridge, to this website, has been guided by Spirit.  Spirit has told us that the vision of The Great Garden WILL manifest, we just need to take the steps.  Although walking the path of Spirit, as you’ll know, is massively challenging, it is also full of beauty, wonder and magic.  Both James and I have complete faith in Spirit, and our souls are committed to pursuing this journey towards a more beautiful world for all, and for our children.  We hope you will join us on this very magical adventure.

 With love,

Charlotte & James

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