Gatherings - coming soon

We feel getting together in person is the most important part of this movement.  It’s all about real life authentic connections, building a sacred network of people who share the vision of wanting to live a life, live in harmony with the earth, and come from a place of sharing. 

The aim of the gatherings will be for us to have a place to simply be.  We’re not thinking presentations and discussions to thrash out ideas, we feel a more organic approach is being called for, providing a space for relationships to gently grow. 

We are currently focusing on getting the message out far and wide by sharing The Rose Bridge film.  Once we have started making connections, we will begin organising gatherings across the UK. 

As soon as any get togethers are arranged, they will be posted on this page, in the Facebook group, and details will also be set out by email to those who have joined the email list (see below).  We really look forward to meeting you soon. x   

Stay Informed

If you’d like to stay informed of what’s going on with the project, and to find out the details of upcoming gatherings, you can join the Facebook Group, or subscribe to our email list.

Join the facebook group

Although we’re not big fans of social media, Facebook seemed like the best option for connecting people who are interested in The Great Garden.  It gives us a space to connect, discuss ideas, and to keep everyone updated with gatherings.  We may look into alternatives in the future, but for now the Facebook Group will have the most up to date information, and allow people to connect with one another.  Click the icon below to be taken to the group.

Stay informed by email

If you’re not on Facebook (or simply prefer to be kept informed by email) you can join the email list by filling out the form below.  (We will only send you information relating to The Great Garden, and will not share your data with anyone). 

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