Next Steps

All the steps for the Great Garden unfold with time, as we, collectively, receive wisdom and guidance from Spirit.  Our experience of Spirit has taught us that often we don’t know exactly what to do until the last minute, and we usually only receive information one step at a time.  We’ve also found that Spirit often takes us in one direction and then in a seemingly completely different direction!  This always seems to be because we needed to learn something before we were ready for the next ‘true’ step.  Spirit has also shared with us that the way will emerge when we come together with others, for The Great Garden is founded on collaboration.  

Having said that, Spirit has already shared with us some information about the first few steps along this journey to The Great Garden, so we share those here.  Our understanding is that these steps need to be taken in parallel with one another. 

These steps are:

  • Get the message out

This step is to share The Rose Bridge book and film far and wide so that people find out about The Great Garden project.  We launched The Rose Bridge film at the beginning of September 2024, so this is still very much a work in progress.  If you can share The Rose Bridge film it helps the project hugely and is much appreciated. 


  • Connect people together

This step is about gathering people together to start forming relationships, like a sacred network of people who resonate with The Rose Bridge.  We will be holding gatherings around the UK for us to get together, and would love to see you there.  We have also set up a Facebook Group for people to connect with one another and share ideas.    


  • Acquire land

James’ channellings over the years have always shown the first key step towards The Great Garden is the building of a ‘Beacon of Hope’.  This Beacon of Hope will be the first physical location where the Great Garden vision is brought to life – a place where people can simply be.  It will serve as providing homes for those involved in the project, and as inspiration to help spread the vision.  Of course, in order to build the Beacon of Hope we need land.  Spirit has not (yet) guided us specifically as how to obtain land.  Perhaps we will raise funds to buy the land, perhaps someone will gift the land, or allow stewardship of the land, perhaps we will occupy some land.  We have faith that Spirit wants this vision to manifest, and will work through the people involved in the project to find the land that is seeking us.  Until a way becomes clear, we simply remain open to all possibilities.  As we described on the ‘Support Us’ page, if you have any land, or funds, contacts or ideas that could help the project, please do get in touch with us.  

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