Support the Great Garden

We want to see a better world for all, but we know we can’t do it alone.  The Great Garden movement is all about authentic connections and coming together to build something beautiful, a place for us all to grow and thrive. 

There are 3 main ways you can help us to make this happen – connecting with us to share who you are and help build relationships, financial support to enable us to focus on this project and to ensure everything is accessible to all, and sharing your resources, for example, if you know of a venue we can use for gatherings.  I’ve described each of these in more detail below:  

Connect with Us

Spirit has always made it clear to us that we need to ‘find the others’, and to grow authentic, meaningful connections, and through coming together we will find the way together.  That’s why the most important thing you can do to support the project is to come along to one of the gatherings that we’re organising.  It feels really important that we meet and grow these relationships in person.  We plan to hold gatherings across the UK (and further afield as time goes on), and with your help, we hope that the gatherings will be accessible to all (i.e. those who can’t afford to contribute to any venue costs will be supported by those who can). 

You can also connect with us and others who are interested in the project by joining the Great Garden facebook group


Details of upcoming gatherings where we can get to know each other.

Find out more

Financial Support

As we mentioned on the About Us page, Spirit guided James to leave his job and dedicate himself to creating The Rose Bridge film / book, and setting up The Great Garden as a project.  Both James and I want to be able to focus on The Great Garden as much as possible, spreading the word, running the Facebook group, organising gatherings, and whatever else we are guided to do by Spirit.  Of course, the vision of The Great Garden is one where money becomes replaced by asking and giving and sharing, which we can’t wait to see manifest.  At the moment, though, we as a family have all the usual bills and rent to pay.  Any financial support you can give us will enable us to dedicate more time and energy to this work, and is much appreciated. 

You can support us financially through donation, or by supporting the work we offer:  

Make a Donation

You can make a donation below:

Or if you would prefer to donate by bank transfer, please email us at for our bank details.  

Support Our Work

James offers channelled Soul Readings, prints of his channelled art (including art from The Rose Bridge), and he also mentors others on how to channel.  Details of his offerings are on his website      

Sharing Resources

There are many resources that would benefit the project, and I’ve listed these below.  These are also listed in the Facebook Group, and as new needs arise, we will post them here and in the FB group.  Please get in touch if you can help in any way.

Your knowledge

  • Venues – we need to find venues across the UK for the gatherings.  Perhaps you have a large house that you could offer. or perhaps you have access to a venue, or perhaps you know of a beautiful, yet affordable venue where we can meet?

Your time / skills

  • Facebook group – do you have some spare time to help us admin the Facebook group?
  • Do you have any other contribution you’d like to make to The Great Garden? 

Your ideas

  • Do you have any ideas you’d like to share with us?  

Get in touch if you have any time or  resources you think may help the project.  You can email us at or

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